Stormy times ahead....
Environmentally Speaking...

Research the following topics and write a one page report on the following person/place/law/treaty in environmental history for which the number matches your computer number.
Use the following criteria to set up your page:
Times New Roman, 11 point font, standard 1" margins. Title at the top, centered, no larger than 14 point font, double spaced. Your name directly beneath the title, centered, 11 point font.

Do not plagiarize. Cite your sources at the end of your paper.

Computer number/topic on which to research/write (ALL relative to the environment and their/its significance and or contributions.)

1. Theodore Roosevelt (Conservation efforts)

2. Sherwood Rowland (CFC's and Ozone)

3. Mario Molina (CFC's and Ozone)

4. E.O.Wilson (Theory of Island Biogeography)

5. Rachel Carson (Silent Spring)

6. Paul Ehrlich (The Population Bomb)

7. Garrett Hardin. (Tragedy of the Commons)

8. Aldo Leopold (A Sand County Almanac)

9. Wangari Maathai (Green Belt Movement)

10. Thomas Malthus (British Economist)

11. John Muir (Sierra Club)

12. Gifford Pinchot (U.S. Forest Service)

13. Theodore Roosevelt (Conservation efforts)

14. Sherwood Rowland (CFC's and Ozone)

15. Mario Molina (CFC's and Ozone)

16. Garrett Hardin (Tragedy of the Commons)

Case studies - these have has a significant influence on public perception about the environment and/or on legislation.

17. Aral Sea

18. Ogallala Aquifer

19. Minamata, Japan

20. Aswan High Dam, Egypt

21. Chesapeake Bay, Maryland/Virginia

22. Fukushima, Japan (Nuclear disaster)

23. Love Canal Housing Development, Niagara Falls, New York.

24. Mono Lake, California

25. Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania

26. Bhopal, India (Union Carbide disaster)

27. Chernobyl, Ukraine. (Nuclear power plant disaster)

28. Valdez, Alaska (Exxon Valdez disaster

29. Yucca Mountain, Nevada (Proposed storage site for nuclear waste)

30. Three Gorges Dam China (Worlds Largest Dam)

31. Clinch River, Tennessee (Tennessee Valley Authority retention pond breach released mercury and arsenic sludge into the Clinch River watershed)

32. Deep Water Horizon, Gulf of Mexico (Oil spill/leak)

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Lowell Bailey

Bedford-North Lawrence High School
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