"How Stuff Works" If double clicking on the link doesn't work, place the curser over the link, right button click, then "open in new tab". 1. Thought question (NOT found on the links): Many mountains have snowbanks which are NOT true glaciers. Why aren't they considered glaciers? 2. Describe the two types of places on Earth where glaciers can be found. 3. Explain the difference between Neve and Firn. 4. What causes glacier ice to be blue? 5. What are the two types of glacier movement? EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EACH TYPE! 6. What are crevasses? 7. What happens to basal slip when glacial ice thins? 8. Explain the difference between the ablation zone (area) and the accumulation zone (area). 9. Describe the process which forms icebergs. 10. The front of a glacier is known as its what? 11. Explain how the terminus of a glacier may remain in the same place, if snow and ice are continually being added each year. 12. What are moulins? 13. What are Seracs? 14. What are ogives? 15. List two areas where a person might go to find ice sheets. 16. Approximately what percent of all fresh water is found in glaciers? 17. Explain the process of isostatic depression and isostatic rebound. 18. What is the shape of a valley which has been changed by a glacier? 19. What causes meltwater that flows out of some glaciers to have a milky appearance? 20. Explain how glacial striations form. 21. Explain the difference between terminal moraines and lateral moraines. Sketch a glacier showing where each is found. 22. Roche moutonnée is French for "sheep back." How do they form? 23. How do drumlins form? Sketch a drumlin. 24. Explain how an arete forms. 25. Explain how a horn forms. 26. Explain how a cirque forms. 27. What are interglacial periods? 28. Explain why the loss of glaciers may speed up global warming. Here is a link to some animations that will help show what happens during glacial formation and movement. "Animations" Again, if clicking on the link doesn't work, try the right button click and open it into a new tab. Here is an animation of how terminal and recessional moraines: "Moraine formation animation" "Glacier formation interactive! Make your own!" "Glacier formation interactive! Glacier types " "Glacier formation interactive! 3 animations, stationary, receding, and advancing " Make sure you click on the "next view" arrow at the bottom right side of the page until you have seen all three flash animations. Excellent way to understand the components of glacial advance and retreat! "Milankovitch explanation. " Make sure you click on the "next view" arrow at the bottom right side of the page until you have seen all three flash animations. Excellent way to understand the Milankovitch theory components! "Full Animation list if you're interested! " |