
Go to every link on the website listed below in order to answer the questions.

Here is the link for the page where answers to the next set of questions may be found:

Liquifaction Information

1. What is soil liquifaction?

2. What causes soil liquifaction?

3. Explain how earthquakes may trigger soil liquifaction.

4. What happens to soil strength when liquifaction occurs?

5. Where does soil liquifaction commonly occur?

6. What areas in Lawrence county might be susceptible to liquifaction?

7. List 3 ways liquifaction hazards might be avoided or reduced.

Here is the link for the page where answers to the next set of questions may be found:

Fault information

8. Describe a normal fault. Sketch it.

9. Describe a reverse fault. Sketch it.

10. Describe how a Horst forms. Sketch it.

11. Describe how a graben forms. Sketch it.

12. Describe the motion of a slip-strike fault. Sketch it.

13. Describe what happens during the motion of a thrust fault.

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This section has the "Quote-a-tron" set up by Connie Bailey; I'll modify it with more quotes later. A different quote comes up every time you reload the page. Quote-a-tron
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